Four Ways You Need To Monitor Your Fleet To Ensure Optimal Performance
When your business operates using a large fleet of vehicles, it is important to make sure that you properly track everything that goes on with the vehicles to make sure that they are properly maintained. Proper maintenance ensures that the vehicles will last as long as they possibly can. The following guide walks you through a few ways you can use telematics fleet tracking make sure your fleet is properly maintained.…
Read More »Three Little Known Reasons To Tint Your Car's Windows
Driving around with windows that aren’t tinted is definitely not ideal. After all, tinted windows make the car appear more flashy, in-style, and it provides the benefit of privacy, which is ideal for all passengers in the vehicle. Here are three little-known reasons to tint your car’s windows: Protects Your Health: Believe it or not, but tinted car windows can benefit your health. The reason being is that it protects you and your passengers from the harsh rays of the sun.…
Read More »2 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Cap For Your Truck
If you are in the market for a cap, also referred to as a canopy, for your truck, here are three different things you need to think about when deciding which one to purchase from a place like J & C Campers. #1 How Long You Want It On Your Truck Do you intend to put the cap on your truck and leave it there all the time? Or do you want to be able to take it on and off frequently?…
Read More »Time To Take The Trailer Out For The First Time: Follow These 4 Tips To Stay Safe On The Road
Summer is the time to hit the road and have some fun. If you just bought a trailer to haul your new off-road vehicles, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with some basic safety precautions before you use it for the first time. Here are four safety tips that will keep you, and the motorists around you, safe while you tow your new aluminum trailer. Practice First If you’ve never driven a car with a trailer hookup, you should practice before you actually take to the highway with a full load.…
Read More »Rusty Classic Cars: Treatments For Restoration
If you have a classic car that is plagued with decades of rust, you have a large task ahead to get the body of your car back to its former beauty. Unlike more modern vehicles, you can’t just spray a rust inhibiting paint over the area and move on. You need to remove as much as possible and make what cannot be removed stable enough that it will not ruin all your restoration efforts.…
Read More »Consider These Valuable Features When You Shop for a Backup Camera
In terms of safety, having an aftermarket backup camera installed on your vehicle—either above the rear license plate or elsewhere in the area—is one of the best investments that you can make. The addition of this camera dramatically improves your ability to see what’s behind you, making you feel safer about backing out of your driveway and parking. When it comes to shopping for this product, there are a variety of cameras on the market at several different price points.…
Read More »3 Signs It's Time For Transmission Repair
After the engine, an automobile’s transmission is one of the most important parts of a car. Yet the transmission remains a source of mystery to many people. Unfortunately, this fact often leads to the need for costly repairs when a faulty transmission goes unheeded. This article will help protect you against catastrophe by teaching you to identify three important signs that it’s time for some transmission repair. Burning Odor Clearly, any time your car starts to give off a burning odor, something is going wrong.…
Read More »If You Want Your Classic Muscle Car To Stop As Well As It Accelerates, Do A Four-Wheel Disc Brake Conversion
A lot of muscle car enthusiasts are only concerned with modifying their engines. The roar of an old school carbureted V8 is intoxicating, and the sensation of being pinned to the back of your seat when you floor the accelerator is addicting. That makes it easy to forget about an equally important aspect of your classic car’s performance: the brake system. Many classic cars were equipped with four-wheel drum brakes. However, by the height of the muscle car era, a lot of manufacturers began installing front disc brakes on their sporty models due to the numerous performance benefits.…
Read More »The Benefits Of Truck Tarp Systems
A large truck can transport anything from automobiles to groceries and consumer goods all over the country. Standard cargo trucks feature a heavy, cumbersome metal container that not only significantly adds to a truck’s weight but also makes it more difficult to retrieve the items stored inside. Sliding tarp systems provide a safe, secure way to transport small and large loads with a much easier and lighter way to keep things moving.…
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